Out From A Depression Of Heartbreak, A Long, Long Time Ago, One Man Saw Himself As Possible. A probable scenario for Global Inner Peace™. Yet How?
"I will offer me", he thought. Just a guy offering try. So he mustered up the courage to be a city slicker clown and loose his frown. He gussied himself up in a General sorta way, and decided to keep dancing his way with a camera and a dream in tow. Low and behold a brand was born, and by morn this chap #POPOLOGIZED all across this nation with a notion.
POPOLOGY® can bring Global Inner Peace™ because its focus on personal joy is no game or laughing matter.
Yet funny enough it will take just that, Many Games & many laughing matters.
To all of those who think of yourself as some sort of action adventure hero, you are. Now show them what you are made of.