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Global inner peace

I am proud to be a part of pop.

I am proud of being a popologist.

I am proud of being

a piece in the quest

for global inner peace

ever since I can remember, whenever anyone asked what i wanted for christmas or for my birthday (which happen to be very close to each other ... ), i have responded with "world peace". And i left it at that. simply world peace.

to this day that wish has not been fulfilled. there has been no world peace. There has been no time when i have enjoyed watching the news because the news has itself been a source of conflict.

what does it even mean? World peace.

no war

no division

no conflicts

no radical destruction

can we actually have a moment in time where conflict does not exist?

I don't think so.

Conflict is a part of human life. we might even need it in order to truly experience peace. every thing has two sides, otherwise it would not exist.

good - bad

tasty - yucky

light - darkness

peace - conflict

i learn more and more about global inner peace as i have become a "student of popology". and i believe we are on a good path here. we are on the right path. as long as the intentions of each one are good.

and I believe in the good intentions of each person who is drawn to this new wave of pop. this different wave of pop.

because each popologist embraces their individual responsibility, their own accountability, for their own thoughts, emotions and actions. embracing their ability to control who to listen and learn from. at least that is the impression i get. that's why you're here.

am i right?

thank you for having me here. let's create a more peaceful world for ourselves - for everyone.

i feel like i've been gifted a piece of world peace.


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